Scientists Used Human Cells to Make Self-Healing 'Living Skin' for Robots
June 13, 20224 min read720 words
Published: June 13, 2022  |  4 min read720 words
Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailAndroids that are part human, part robot are a staple of . But they’re now a step closer to reality after researchers crafted a living skin for robots out of human cells.Today’s , even if humanoid in form, tend to feature rig...
Scientists Used Human Cells to Make Self-Healing 'Living Skin' for Robots Read more

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Great Context
June 25, 2022
The article is brief and would be more enjoyable with a little more information, but I am biased about the technology; therefore, I give you five stars. I must admit, at first I was pensive about this subject and where the article might lead. In the end, the article came together beautifully and I am excited to see this advance in technology. I believe it will be an improved customer experience when robots have skin rather than rubber while shopping, checking in, and assisted.
June 25, 2022
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June 24, 2022
Exciting news with lots of details on the benefits and where the technology still needs to go. A bit surface level but a fun look into where this technology might be used and go next.
June 24, 2022
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