‘Dark money’ group spends $600,000 to boost incumbent Democrats in three states - OpenSecrets News
June 13, 20226 min read1132 words
Published: June 13, 2022  |  6 min read1132 words
CloseAn OpenSecrets analysis found a “dark money” group, , has poured almost into primaries in New Jersey, Nevada and Illinois from May 17 to June 6, including $76,000 on .On June 8, reported on suspicious ties between Opportunity for All Action Fund and powerful Democrats. The m...
‘Dark money’ group spends $600,000 to boost incumbent Democrats in three states - OpenSecrets News Read more

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Political Agenda
July 10, 2022
Once again, to be 100% sure that this money was planned and harvested only by and for democrats is a bad idea to have, better to take the facts with caution and see who wins the most at the fallout of the situation.
July 10, 2022
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Great Context
June 25, 2022
The article explores dark money use in several situations. Perhaps political spending should be permitted to have a certain amount of dark money available to use since there is so much political violence and intimidation these days. Searching for the money used to be for understanding the agenda, today it reads like it is a means to silence dissent. Content describes the impact dark money has had on campaigns and what was most surprising was the dark money making transactions in fortune 500 companies.
June 25, 2022
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Great Context
June 24, 2022
Title is a bit click baity, but at least it explains what it means by 'dark money.' Seems to me it's just companies getting through loopholes and lack of enforcement. Doesn't lead to very solid conclusions.
June 24, 2022
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