Bitcoin investors tend to have low financial literacy, according to BoC research
April 20, 20224 min read734 words
Published: April 20, 2022  |  4 min read734 words
Canadian bitcoin owners tend to have low levels of financial literacy while being exposed to elevated levels of financial risk, according to new Bank of Canada research.Based on a series of surveys, central bank researchers found that around 5 per cent of Canadians owned bitcoin ...
Bitcoin investors tend to have low financial literacy, according to BoC research Read more

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Financial Incentive
July 21, 2022
No! Really? these people that blindly got lucky with this specific cryptocurrency without even knowing what it was exactly are not econ geniuses? I am gobsmacked. People woke up that 60% of people that got involved in bitcoin were the hype and ignorant type which is no surprise.
July 21, 2022
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Well Sourced
April 21, 2022
This article is simply restating key takeaways from a recent study that many news outlets are covering today. I need to do more research to understand the methodology of the study because its results seem counterintuitive, and it's possible that questions were framed in a way that would make those who see value in digital assets score poorly, but this article itself presents the information in a clear and balanced way.
April 21, 2022
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