New San Francisco initiative to pay individuals not to shoot others
October 4, 20213 min read535 words
Published: October 4, 2021  |  3 min read535 words
ShareA new program in San Fransisco will pay people at high risk of shooting someone not to pull the trigger to help alleviate rising gun violence in the city.The Dream Keeper Fellowship is set to launch in October and pay 10 individuals $300 each month to not be involved in shoo...
New San Francisco initiative to pay individuals not to shoot others Read more

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October 7, 2021
It lacks great context and reliable sources, and I read the whole article a little bit shocked. I'd like to know how they select these individuals, and how they approach them. I wonder if the cost to keep a potential criminal out of prison is less if you pay $300 benefit than if they actually shoot some people and go to jail. I believe it can cause some impact if the support is really as close as the article mentions.
October 7, 2021
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Lack of Reliable Sources
October 4, 2021
A few things wrong with this article's reporting: 1) The sensational headline is immediately walked back in the article's text because it doesn't accurately portray the new policy 2) The reporter doesn't actually spell out at any point what the new policy is 3) All of the crime figures cited in the article are not sourced.
October 4, 2021
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