The Super League is the grim end game of the attention economy
April 20, 20217 min read1489 words
Published: April 20, 2021  |  7 min read1489 words
We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .The proposed European Super League (ESL) is football for the Vine generation: condensed down to its most marketable essence, chopped into bite-size chunks for social media, bookended by adverts f...
The Super League is the grim end game of the attention economy Read more

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Great Context
April 26, 2021
Article provides a lot of context surrounding the situation.
April 26, 2021
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Great Context
April 26, 2021
Great angle and paints a picture of the future
April 26, 2021
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Pure Opinion
April 26, 2021
This article is a bit dated now that the ELS has seemed to pull back because of fan outrage. This article was over the top in its negative framing of this new league which at least 15 of the biggest clubs were on board for. There was no honest questioning or examination into why the clubs would choose this model other than the obvious profit-chasing incentives that the author chose to focus on. I'm not saying there has to be more to it than that, but this story read like a hot take and not investigative journalism. For example, it could be possible that these teams were frustrated with the league's handling of maintaining the sport during the pandemic and realized that they needed greater control. My point is that this is a one-sided rant with little research to support its claims.
April 26, 2021
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