Andrew Yang offends LGBTQ voters with bizarre comments about gay bars & his queer staffers
April 23, 202118 min read3594 words
Published: April 23, 2021  |  18 min read3594 words
New York City Mayor candidate and former presidential candidate Andrew Yang sought the Stonewall Democratic Club of New York’s endorsement last night, but ended up offending members instead. They voted to endorse other candidates, but not Yang.“Well, first, let me say that if I g...
Andrew Yang offends LGBTQ voters with bizarre comments about gay bars & his queer staffers Read more

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July 5, 2022
I am sorry but id didn't feel like that to me, stereotypes are a thing for a reason other than comedy, it because they actually happen often, and if pointing it out offends people, they should really get a thicker skin.
July 5, 2022
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Hit Piece
June 15, 2022
Click baity title. Only attendees of this one meeting were interviewed, so not well-sourced. Yang's quotes were cringy, sure, because there were so many 'likes' in it, because he wasn't ready to speak specifically to LGBTQ issues. I agree, he should be prepared, but he just seems new to the game, not outrightly offending people. In the article, it even states it just left people cringing, not offended. Sure, he hasn't learned his lesson in being prepared, but this seems like the author really wants him to turn it around, quickly. And for someone who appears so inexperienced in politics, it might be a hard. His actual policy was covered in a single paragraph and then was criticized without any reasoning or source helping to expound on that specific policy.
June 15, 2022
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