Godzilla vs. Kong Review Bombed By #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Fans Angry With WB
March 28, 20212 min read436 words
Published: March 28, 2021  |  2 min read436 words
Some Snyderverse fans are review bombing  due to their anger with Warner Bros. Godzilla vs. Kong is the latest installment of WB and Legendary's that started in 2014. It is the fourth film to come from the universe but the first to see Godzilla and King Kong share the s...
Godzilla vs. Kong Review Bombed By #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Fans Angry With WB Read more

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Great Context
July 22, 2022
Content includes a short video. The article discusses speculation on fans expected response to Godzilla vs. Kong. The writing is good but there is a little bias detected. Unfortunately, the article dismisses reviews as mere review bombs. Many movies are garbage and the fans opinions should be respected, namely, that horrid work named in this article, Captain Marvel. That "review bomb" stands legitimately among other films with poor scores. Ghostbusters 2016 is another 'review bomb' that is truly trash and cannot stand the test of time. Author should respect the public and stop shilling for the studios.
July 22, 2022
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