Some Tesla owners reportedly got locked out of their cars because the app was down
September 5, 20192 min read351 words
Published: September 5, 2019  |  2 min read351 words
![CDATA[YII-BLOCK-HEAD]]>This article was published on September 3, 2019Connected things are wonderful until they fail on you. Numerous Tesla owners allegedly experienced this today as they got locked out of the car because the app was apparently down for maintenance.Seve...
Some Tesla owners reportedly got locked out of their cars because the app was down Read more

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public reviews: 4
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4 reviews


Surface Level
September 6, 2019
The piece, which consists mainly of tweets by others (tweets do not an article make), reads as an extended consumer complaint on a company's support page. No real information or context is provided. And the author's opinion inserted at the very end is bad form. Not a worthwhile read.
September 6, 2019
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False Dilemma
September 5, 2019
I wouldn't consider this an article that of journalism...more as a TMZ-esque story. Although the event occured, they did nothing but cherry picking tweets and paste them to fill in space. The truth is that Tesla Key-app feature, although convenient (I use it all the time), it is NOT supposed to be the primary mean of accessing the vehicle. The key card and they fob are the only 2 reliable ways to properly use the vehicle. Tesla has made this very clear in the past. Even mentioned during the walkthrough at car delivery.
September 5, 2019
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Surface Level
September 5, 2019
This is a pretty surface level piece, using tweets to fill out much of the content. Although it's an interesting story, I can't help but read it as just another of the many articles written about Tesla in a negative light, holding them to a much higher standard than any other car company.
September 5, 2019
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Surface Level
September 21, 2019
Placing this the blame on the auto manufacturer here is incorrect. From the article: "While maintenance downtimes are normal, Tesla should’ve accounted for situations like this and ensured their vehicles were accessible to owners, downtime or not." The Tesla Owner's manual clearly states: "Caution: Always carry your key card with you in your purse or wallet to use as a backup in case your authenticated phone has a dead battery, or is lost or stolen." Perhaps a better statement is that Tesla should have a warning in their app/car about this when it notices you aren't carrying the backup method.
September 21, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
September 5, 2019
No real sources to substantiate the presented claims. Clearly, the situation happened; having said that, where is the information to substantiate this being a frequent occurrence?
September 5, 2019
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