Recall Gavin Newsom adviser pushes back on Bernie Sanders’ criticism, says liberals joining effort
March 9, 20212 min read421 words
Published: March 9, 2021  |  2 min read421 words
Recall Gavin Newsom senior adviser Randy Economy said efforts to recall the California governor have been an ‘emotional rollercoaster.’You can now listen to Fox News articles!A senior adviser to the Recall campaign is pushing back against Sen. criticisms of the movement, claiming...
Recall Gavin Newsom adviser pushes back on Bernie Sanders’ criticism, says liberals joining effort Read more

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Political Agenda
March 10, 2021
This entire article is the position of an “advisor” to the Recall Newsom effort. It is definitionally political (which is not inherently bad). But it only gives his talking points; it doesn't supply any hard information that the proponent—who is clearly NOT a “Bernie-crat”—doesn't want us to think matters. Totally one-sided, by design.
March 10, 2021
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Surface Level
March 9, 2021
This is a pretty surface-level article that mostly just annotates the discussion from the video above. I wish the Fax News guest and host had done more to elaborate on what policies they disagree with regarding Newsom's handling of the virus. With that said, I do think the guest has a point that many Bernie supporters are partici[ating in this recall.
March 9, 2021
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