Now Facebook says it may remove Like counts
September 3, 20192 min read465 words
Published: September 3, 2019  |  2 min read465 words
Facebook could soon start hiding the Like counter on News Feed posts to protect users’ from envy and dissuade them from self-censorship. in 7 countries including Canada and Brazil, showing a post’s audience just a few names of mutual friends who’ve Liked it instead of the total n...
Now Facebook says it may remove Like counts Read more

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September 3, 2019
An interesting, brief article from a credible source. The piece points up the changing ways social media companies seek to engage with and be engaged by their users. However, prospective readers would do well to take particular note of the following quote from the article: "...and dissuade them from self-censorship..." In effect, some might say that this is the only part of the article which clearly delineates the actual strategy and good on the author for including it. The reader should note that the insight provided by this aside is profound. To the reader who may be a social media user, it could be inferred that actual goal is to convince or attempt to persuade social media users that there is nothing they shouldn't share. A worthwhile read particularly for those critical of the privacy and the societally-influencing policies of social media companies and their panjandrums.
September 3, 2019
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September 3, 2019
Good article, but there's an important piece missing. It doesn't mention how the business will be affected by this change. I'm not sure if Zuckerberg is really concerned about the user's mental health and wants to protect them from "envy and self-destruction." Facebook is changing the rules for digital influencers and brands, and it means money in ads and promotions.
September 3, 2019
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September 3, 2019
This is a developing story, so what the author has here is simply what is available at this point. Which is to say, not much is out in the open yet. There is some mild speculation about the motivation, but you can clearly see where the author is drawing speculation from.
September 3, 2019
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Surface Level
September 9, 2019
There's very little meat in this article. It's a report more or less on an observation that the like counts have disappeared from some users in certain countries. There's mostly speculation as to why this has been done and how permanent the change will be.
September 9, 2019
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September 3, 2019
This is a good start to what will surely become a series of followup stories. This is a good investigative find by the TechCrunch team, and they do well not to over-speculate given that so little information is available at this time.
September 3, 2019
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