I'm a Casual Vaper. Should I Worry About Vaping Sickness?
September 2, 20194 min read871 words
Published: September 2, 2019  |  4 min read871 words
A lung doctor’s perspective on a frightening new epidemicFirst, nearly 200 vaping teens were with “severe lung illness.” Then, on Saturday, an ailment doctors are calling “” .Health officials did not disclose many details about the patient, the New York Times . What we know is th...
I'm a Casual Vaper. Should I Worry About Vaping Sickness? Read more

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3 reviews


September 4, 2019
Well done investigate piece on an issue that has been featured prominently in the broader media as of late. Well-sourced with good expository quotes. The prospective reader will come away better informed about the referenced issue with perhaps an enhanced appreciation for how the medical profession endeavors to stay current with and strives to get ahead of developing health issues. A worthwhile read, particularly for those wishing to keep themselves further apprised on this matter.
September 4, 2019
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September 2, 2019
The article reveals how little medical science knows presently about the potential for serious health consequences from vaping, even as a mysterious severe pulmonary disease is growing in numbers across the nation associated with vaping. The article states causation for this lung illness is not fully understood. Patients who withhold a history of vaping when presenting with serious pulmonary symptoms, as well as, the glacial pace with which clinicians share unusual vaping related illness cases with the larger medical community, are both likely reasons cited in the article for this slow pace. The article is balanced, non sensational and attempts to fully investigate the potential risks for vaping without stating consequences which have not fully been identified. However, known cases of Li ion battery explosions from vaping devices and the real concern for inhaling carcinogens like formaldehyde, used in small amounts as a preservative in vaping solutions, are described.
September 2, 2019
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Surface Level
September 4, 2019
The article doesn't really answer the question it poses in the title. It really seems to say nobody knows the limit of harm that can be caused by vaping.
September 4, 2019
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September 4, 2019
Although there's not really any new information coming to light in this piece, it's a good investigative look into what may become a serious health issue for many in the future. Author Quinn Myers is honest about how little information there is to go off of, and even explains why it's a hard data point to even keep track of or make determinations from. Myers is asking all the right questions here.
September 4, 2019
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