Lab-Grown Meat: One Startup Has an Idea That Could Dramatically Slash Costs
August 27, 20194 min read760 words
Published: August 27, 2019  |  4 min read760 words
Aug. 26, 2019Lab-grown meat could offer a more ethical alternative to traditional meats — and now, thanks to one London-based startup, prices could drop to just $15 per burger. is working on reducing the cost of one of the biggest components of lab-based meat. The technology work...
Lab-Grown Meat: One Startup Has an Idea That Could Dramatically Slash Costs Read more

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August 29, 2019
An interesting, well-written and sourced piece from a credible outlet. Additionally, the reader will find that, contextually, it adds to the growing discussion around more ethical production of food. Also, prospective readers will want to take note of the fact that the writer has done an excellent job of making the scientific terminology accessible to the layman. A worthwhile read that will leave one further informed about the referenced issue.
August 29, 2019
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August 27, 2019
This article is discussing a relatively new product, it does not go into much detail about the new process, but speculates heavily about adoption rates of this product in the future. Overall, some the reporting is good, the speculation can stay on the sideline
August 27, 2019
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Great Context
October 27, 2019
Just reporting the facts and other reporting sources is a good idea. Nothing obviously opinion included. I personally don't believe the projected timeline but...
October 27, 2019
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August 27, 2019
This is a decent investigative look into the lab-grown meat industry. Unfortunately, it barely touches on the negative impacts of today's meat industry, the process of creating lab-grown meat, or the where the biggest advancements have been made. It's a credible piece, but reads more like a promotional story for the Imperial College London's Faculty of Natural Sciences Make-A-Difference competition.
August 27, 2019
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Great Context
August 27, 2019
It's credible ... folly. Lab grown meat is the earth-bound version of invoking space travel to deal with humanity's many problems. It must be pointed out that there no millimeters (nor -metres) of fetal bovine serum, as stated, but, rather, milliliters (or -litres). Where are the articles explaining that pending climate disaster will NOT be solved with our best minds, perhaps actually doing science but, mired in obvious anti-solutions, however intellectually stimulating. It IS OK to contemplate drastic reduction in consumption, in general, and meat in particular. To that end that photo of the hideous "clean meat" (akin to the abject crime of the notion of "clean coal") should be shown far and wide. People will be driven to vegetarianism in numbers never seen before!
August 27, 2019
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August 27, 2019
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August 27, 2019
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