Rebecca Grant: Greenland caught Trump's eye for 3 military reasons
August 25, 20193 min read670 words
Published: August 25, 2019  |  3 min read670 words
You can now listen to Fox News articles!is brash as ever, but he’s not wrong. Greenland is important.Pull out your polar map. There’s Russia, spanning one side of the Arctic circle, with China nestled below. On the North American side lies Canada and Alaska. That over-the-pole ro...
Rebecca Grant: Greenland caught Trump's eye for 3 military reasons Read more

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National Bias2
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Pure Opinion
September 8, 2019
A properly labeled 'opinion' piece that is not informed opinion but very near pure speculation. This with, of course, and considering the matter referenced, the requisite national bias. The prospective reader will note that despite the seemingly impressive credentials of the author, the article nevertheless seems less reasoned argument and more jingoistic justification. Not a worthwhile read. More sober analysis can be found elsewhere.
September 8, 2019
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August 26, 2019
This is an Op Ed, labeled as such, and there is a large dose of speculation involved; however, it does raise some valid points about the strategic value of Greenland. China has been trying to get into the Arctic by any means necessary, and the US could protect vested interest by making that more difficult.
August 26, 2019
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National Bias
August 26, 2019
That the author ends with saying she'd give to a Go Fund Me campaign to achieve her favored pro-Trump idea of "getting" Greenland. She quickly mentions and overlooks that the local government was open to Chinese investments, despite Copenhagen's reluctance there. She assumes U.S. government/corporate control of Greenland would be good for us militarily. Perhaps, but good for world peace and cooperation?
August 26, 2019
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National Bias
August 26, 2019
The author of this article has a clear national bias in favor of the U.S., seemingly agreeing with the video at the top of the article where the host speaks openly about "American exceptionalism." The article makes it clear that it's an opinion piece, and so I'm not knocking the article for that. I am knocking this article however for U.S. minded sentences such as, "China is looking for any opportunity to squeeze out the U.S. with strategic investments in countries all around the globe. Picking off Greenland would be a coup for Chinese President Xi Jinping." I agree that Greenland would be an incredibly valuable territory to any nation, but to perceive the area only through the lens of China and Russia bad, U.S. good, is too simplistic and not nearly nuanced enough.
August 26, 2019
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