Coronavirus Fact-Check #10: Why “new cases” are plummeting.
February 26, 202185 min read16910 words
Published: February 26, 2021  |  85 min read16910 words
The scary red numbers . Check any newspaper or covid tracking website you want. Cases. Deaths. Hospitalisations. They’re all going down, sharply, and have been for weeks, especially in the US and UK.So, why would that be?Pundits across the media world have made suggestions – from...
Coronavirus Fact-Check #10: Why “new cases” are plummeting. Read more

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Great Context
October 31, 2022
Concise report on COVID. The article is brief and the comment section is a profound snapshot in the era as COVID was starting to wane its deadly contact with humanity. While the content is interesting to peruse for the record of facts, the comments give a feel for the era.
October 31, 2022
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