The World Needs Nuclear Power, And We Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of It
October 21, 20208 min read1619 words
Published: October 21, 2020  |  8 min read1619 words
BETAThis is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by Oct 21, 2020,For thousands upon thousands of years, humans have been harnessing the power of nature to provide energy to push our civilization forward. By leveraging fire, we gained the ability to cook food, provide warmth an...
The World Needs Nuclear Power, And We Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of It Read more

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Surface Level
February 25, 2021
This is written by an industry HACK. Nuclear power has no long term waste storage solution, and even if there was a solution, the cost of pumping cooling water to high level radioactive waste for hundreds of thousands of years far outweighs the benefits of the relatively short lifespan of nuke plants.
February 25, 2021
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February 26, 2021
This article looks very well-sourced, but I felt afraid just by considering it right while reading. We know how history repeats itself, and I feel bad understanding that fear is what comes to my mind every time I hear about nuclear energy.
February 26, 2021
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February 26, 2021
This is a very well-researched and balanced look at the role nuclear power could play in humans' transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. The author of this article is hyper-aware of the negative stigma nuclear power has and the fear it inspires amongst the public. Other reviewers may disagree, but I think the piece does a good job of addressing those concerns, while clearly outlining how advantageous a change in our outlook towards nuclear might be. Assuming of course, that we are able to iterate towards safer and more human-proof approaches to nuclear power.
February 26, 2021
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February 25, 2021
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February 25, 2021
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Lack of Reliable Sources
February 25, 2021
Have we learned nothing in the past 50 years? There's something called sustainable energy that comes with tremendous job creation and other great opportunities. As the previous reviewer stated, there is no storage option for wasted fuel rods. Refining uranium and plutonium is simply not good for our planet. Let's make better choices rather than have another Chernobyl, Three Mile Island or Fukushima. Let's not encourage the making of atomic weapons either. Let's grow up. There are other good choices.
February 25, 2021
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