Survey: 59% of Republicans Now Think College Is Bad for America
August 19, 20193 min read622 words
Published: August 19, 2019  |  3 min read622 words
Only half of all Americans now have a positive view of colleges and universities, according to from Pew Research. The number of people who take a negative view has increased from 26 percent in 2012 to 38 percent in 2019.The change largely reflects a growing dissatisfaction on the...
Survey: 59% of Republicans Now Think College Is Bad for America Read more

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Hit Piece
August 20, 2019
This article appears to faithfully report the Pew Survey's findings on trust in colleges, and how our views have changed. My trust level shifted abruptly when I read, “I do not think ‘professors bringer[sic] their political and social views into the classroom’ is a significant issue, or even necessarily a bad thing.” With that, Soave's piece abruptly shifted from a banal rewrite of the Pew study (which, FWIW, I read & trust highly) into a list of complaints about schools (they saddle students with “tons of debt,” “gives them delusional ideas,” etc. Soave caps the article with an completely slanted telling of an incident at Harvard, wrapped up with a fast bait-and-switch linkage of caving to demands of “leftist students” that somehow causes the (right-wing, it'd seem) public to see universities in general as “coddling students and failing to prepare them for real life.” So
August 20, 2019
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August 21, 2019
I am reviewing this article as sensational to draw attention towards the title, claiming something that is not even supported in the text itself. However, the author falls in some opinion based statements throughout the piece make the whole point of the author waver. The single Harvard case referenced at the end doesn't help either. While the article is still worth a read and provides some useful insights on the matter, the author could have done a better job at remaining impartial.
August 21, 2019
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Political Agenda
August 20, 2019
The main reason I review this as political agenda is the headline sensationalize is the actual study. Furthermore,the author clearly takes a stance on the issue within the article that affects the validity of his point of view. It's also worth mentioning that these surveys are launched right after media attention and could be cause for skewed responses and results.
August 20, 2019
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August 20, 2019
The article itself is well sourced and a balanced look at the major criticisms people on the left and right harbor towards higher education. The author only interjects to provide useful context and perspective on some of the findings, validating arguments from individuals in both political parties. The problem however lies with the headline itself, which is sensationalized to punch at Republicans with a claim that the article doesn’t even support.
August 20, 2019
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