Study: Teens get the news from YouTubers and not news outlets
August 16, 20191 min read170 words
Published: August 16, 2019  |  1 min read170 words
This article was published on August 15, 2019Given the current climate of fake news and continuous updates about the end of the world as we know it, more people are opting to live in their own bubble and . But more worryingly, a by SurveyMonkey and Common Sense Media, found that ...
Study: Teens get the news from YouTubers and not news outlets Read more

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Political Agenda
August 17, 2019
There are MANY legitimate news "outlets" on You Tube. No, they are not the NYT, WaPo or the Wall St Journal, but just as well, as those REAL, (self-aggrandizing, if very insecure) outlets have TOO much exposure and influence in relation to any objective reporting one MIGHT accidentially stumble across in them!!! I presume the teen subjects about which the article seems to be "concerned" may not get news as presented by the above-mentioned outlets but they won't get the consisitent, high-calorie propaganda/censorship diet either. Maybe can I find out on You Tube who, exactly, are "Survey Monkey" and "Common Sense Media" and, moreover, why anyone should care what they purport to find.
August 17, 2019
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