Top strategist throws a (yield) curve at bank stocks
August 15, 20191 min read228 words
Published: August 15, 2019  |  1 min read228 words
Odeon Capital Group financial strategist Richard Bove declaring bank look “excellent” and an inverted yield won’t eat into their earnings. “History would argue that an inverted yield curve does not result in bank earnings going down,” he told FOX Business’ Liz Claman Wednesday on...
Top strategist throws a (yield) curve at bank stocks Read more

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August 15, 2019
Gave a good summary of what the economist said. He did have a typo about explaining the yield curve. It should be edited.
August 15, 2019
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August 15, 2019
they just make this shit up, only a handful of these clowns have any credible wisdom of the future. Klugman, NYT
August 15, 2019
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August 15, 2019
This article had a confusing mistake and lacked any real explanation of the situation. I still don't understand why the yield curve was implemented and what it's affect should and does have.
August 15, 2019
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Surface Level
August 15, 2019
Major typo here - "A yield curve inversion occurs when short-term bond yields rise above short-term bond yields." The statement meant to say "long-term bond yields" at the end of the sentence. In the video above, the guest uses an appeal to authority, mentioning that all the major bank CEO's haven't said that a recession is coming. This is foolish because it's in their best interest not to create a panic, and those same CEO's weren't warning us about a recession back in 2008 either. But I won't punish the author for that bit. Overall, it's a somewhat surface level piece thrown together to accompany the video, which is clearly the dominant content in this story.
August 15, 2019
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