Tennessee Lawmakers Consider Criminalizing Abortion In All Cases
August 13, 20193 min read525 words
Published: August 13, 2019  |  3 min read525 words
×U.S. EditionPart of HuffPost Politics. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.×Tennessee lawmakers said Monday they are considering whether to seek one of the nation’s strictest bans even as such laws continue to be struck down in court.At issue is a proposal to prohibit abort...
Tennessee Lawmakers Consider Criminalizing Abortion In All Cases Read more

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Great Context
August 17, 2019
The reader will find that the article contains quotes from two individuals on one side of the referenced issue, and no quoted comments from those on the other side of said issue. Instead, the reader will note the position opposite is represented by garden-variety statements. The prospective reader may find this dubitable from the standpoint of balance. Ratherish informative, however, while some may find this a nominally worthwhile read, others may not.
August 17, 2019
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August 14, 2019
This article explains very clearly and concisely the situation around anti-abortion legislation in Tennessee. All the facts are presented in a balanced and unbiased manner, providing the reader with a quick glance at a complex legislative situation. Great piece of writing, informative and unbiased.
August 14, 2019
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August 14, 2019
Article covers some of the issue, but doesn't go too in depth. But I feel much of the dilemma / controversy was covered. What is missing? Well, the label mastery of the Right wing, namely that they purloined the name "Pro Life" while women's rights Left wing gets stuck with "Pro Choice" -- why didn't Left wing force them to take the name 'anti-abortion' or 'crusaders for the unborn'? I also grabbed this interesting quote, “What we’re saying in Tennessee is that we’re looking for a way that says medically, scientifically life does start at conception." To dissect this quote, a few things leap out -- does Tennessee really value all human life? Or just white lives, or is this an attempt to preserve & expand the power of men to control women? And lastly, if Tennessee (or any anti-abortion) state really valued life so much, it'd be great for them to be consistent: take care of babies for adoption, make sure no one is trapped below the poverty line, end capital punishment, and take strong anti-war anti-military anti-gun stances. But they won't ... b/c the issue is preventing women from having ultimate control over their own bodies, which is a domination throwback from ancient times & no longer makes any sense in a modern world.
August 14, 2019
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August 14, 2019
This is a great article explaining the current situation with Tennessee lawmakers regarding their stance on anti-abortion legislation. The author remains balanced in her reporting and sticks to providing all available facts and context. A great bit of reporting.
August 14, 2019
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