Viral tweet shows list of fast food chains to boycott because they are reportedly "supporting Trump's reelection"
August 10, 20193 min read568 words
Published: August 10, 2019  |  3 min read568 words
ShareA tweet that lists "companies supporting Trump's re-election" went viral on Thursday, causing chatter among the anti-President crowd on the internet.The list includes fast food stalwarts such as McDonald's, Wendy's, In-N-Out and Chick-fil-A, as well as chain restaurants like...
Viral tweet shows list of fast food chains to boycott because they are reportedly "supporting Trump's reelection" Read more

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Lack of Reliable Sources
August 10, 2019
The reader may find that the article, despite the sensationalist heading promising information, provides nothing of the sort. It seemingly regurgitates unfounded allegations without the scantest of proof. Prospective readers will come to their own conclusions but in a general sense may not wish to rely on the piece for any substantive facts. As an informational aside, Newsweek, while at one time considered a credible news outlet, is now in some quarters considered nothing more than a content farm.
August 10, 2019
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Surface Level
August 17, 2019
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August 17, 2019
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Surface Level
August 12, 2019
This article is a little of a Tweet play-by-play discussing how one Tweet lead to many more. It seems to be pretty accurate though and doesn't take a stance on the issue. I trust the article, but I don't feel like I needed it.
August 12, 2019
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Surface Level
August 10, 2019
This is another example of taking controversial tweets and trying to make a story out of it. I believe that this could be a newsworthy story if the author had investigated the initial claims and dug deeper into the topic. However, what we see here is more of the same trend, compiling tweets as a way of having enough content to support a story, and outsourcing any investigating to the Twitter universe.
August 10, 2019
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Surface Level
August 10, 2019
just like the commercial, you got to show us the beef, it is assumed that the US oligarchs are backing the clowns that help them keep their spoils. SUFFER THE FOOLS GLADLY.
August 10, 2019
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Surface Level
August 10, 2019
While this story is important, this article lacks the context beyond the original tweet. It doesn't give more information to how these fast-food chains are 'supporting Trump's re-election' or even what PACs were donated too. For these, reasons it is surface level and somewhat sensational for just sharing the baseline information.
August 10, 2019
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