US declares China a currency manipulator, says it's using yuan to gain 'unfair advantage' in trade
August 6, 20193 min read642 words
Published: August 6, 2019  |  3 min read642 words
Jim Cramer on what it means to declare China a currency manipulatorThe U.S. Treasury Department on Monday designated China as currency manipulator, a historic move that no White House had exercised since the Clinton administration."Secretary Mnuchin, under the auspices of Preside...
US declares China a currency manipulator, says it's using yuan to gain 'unfair advantage' in trade Read more

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August 7, 2019
The source is credible and the article is fairly brief. It reads as basically a list of complaints and concerns from the U.S.about goings-on in the Chinese economy and government policy thereof. Fairly superficial in terms of exploring possible further underlying reasons for the action referenced. Additionally, the piece is somewhat esoteric and thereby may not be sufficiently explanatory particularly for the lay reader.
August 7, 2019
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Surface Level
August 7, 2019
This article misses an opportunity to educate and provide context to readers. Instead of presenting figures and past incidents of Chinese currency manipulation, the article focuses on tweets and quotes from political leaders. I would have much preferred to have seen some graphs or breakdowns of how China's currency has been manipulated in the past and what the practical effects are.
August 7, 2019
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Surface Level
August 6, 2019
While I think the article is credible overall, this article is surface level for how long it is. It lacks the context to understand what this 'unfair advantage' is that China is receiving by reducing the value of the yuan and what the signs are, and how they're interpreted as currency manipulation. However, it does tell you when the US has passed on calling China a currency manipulator 5 times 'recently.'
August 6, 2019
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September 21, 2019
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September 21, 2019
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