Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
August 5, 201955 words
Published: August 5, 2019  |  55 words
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Bloomberg - Are you a robot? Read more

Scores for this article.

Percentage of critic and public trust in this article.
Great Context2
critic score
critic reviews: 1
public score
public reviews: 3
critic score
4 reviews
public score
19 reviews
critic score
1 reviews
public score
3 reviews


August 6, 2019
A relatively dense article from a credible source. Quite a bit of information is provided regarding the impact of, what is still in effect a truism, no matter who is doing the driving, more vehicles on the road concomitantly contributing to increased traffic and congestion. It takes some liberties with being a bit solicitous toward the companies referenced. Also, it is slightly contradictory in that in one paragraph the firms are criticized for not providing enough information (or rather more useful information) but later lauding them for providing information. Overall the article has the tone of trying to not give offense to the corporations in the hope that they will be more forthcoming from a data perspective. This article is a good effort but more detailed analysis can be gleaned from other sources. A possibility worthwhile read for those interested in public policy regarding non-public transportation alternatives.
August 6, 2019
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Well Sourced
August 6, 2019
The raw information is provided directly to the end user for once! THANK YOU! I thoroughly appreciate being able to sort through it myself. Even if the article had some flaws in verbiage, tone, and conflicting statements; I am willing to give those less egregious marks because I have the data to form my own opinion. I prefer this rather than be spoon fed what the author wants me to know while omitting the rest.
August 6, 2019
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Great Context
August 6, 2019
This is a very dense article giving context to the joint analysis released from Lyft and Uber on how they as “transportation network companies” (TNCs) contribute to traffic congestion. For someone interested in analyzing data, this article is gold. For the casual reader, it's probably a bit too dense and hard to conceptualize. Overall though, I appreciate when a journalist refuses to dumb down information for their readers, so well done Laura Bliss.
August 6, 2019
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Great Context
August 5, 2019
Go-to article for information on this topic. Deeply investigative and contextual, backed up with sources, graphs, data, and more. Interesting data on cities involved in the study (SF, LA, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, and Washington DC). I've personally noticed a difference in SF. But more interesting is how this impacts potential revenue at Uber & Lyft - making lemons into lemonade.
August 5, 2019
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