U.S. and China are on the brink of currency war: Here's how it all went down
August 5, 20195 min read919 words
Published: August 5, 2019  |  5 min read919 words
China on Monday threw its latest punch in the trade war Opens a New Window. by letting its currency weaken to a more than one decade low against the U.S. dollar. Beijing's actions drew the ire of President Trump and sent shock waves rippling across Wall Street. "China dropped t...
U.S. and China are on the brink of currency war: Here's how it all went down Read more

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August 6, 2019
This is great! No bias or opinion, just facts. I loved the timeline format.
August 6, 2019
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Great Context
August 6, 2019
I appreciate how this article doesn't speculate and simply sticks to the known facts and timeline. Credder ratings are showing that presenting facts in a timeline format like this, void of speculation, is the best way to win trust from readers. I would have liked to have seen a Chinese perspective, but overall very well done Jonathan Garber.
August 6, 2019
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National Bias
August 7, 2019
No comments or reaction from any Chinese representative or economist concerning the devaluation but plenty of quotations from Trump calling it "currency manipulation" but with no mention that it is the WTO and IMF who are charged with designating a country as a manipulator. Very one sided coverage.
August 7, 2019
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Great Context
August 5, 2019
I love the day by day timeline correlated with the stock market fluctuations. Great context is provided for those who don't read the progression of this story as new headlines hit. I wish there were was little more information provided on each day but it would've made this article much longer.
August 5, 2019
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