The DOJ Is Finally Bridging the Gap Between Online Radicalization and Domestic Terrorism
August 5, 20195 min read931 words
Published: August 5, 2019  |  5 min read931 words
September 12, 2022The El Paso, Texas, mass shooting that left 20 dead on Saturday may actually spell the end for one of white nationalism's greatest resources: the online radicalization of potential domestic terrorists.Almost immediately before he opened fire at a Walmart near th...
The DOJ Is Finally Bridging the Gap Between Online Radicalization and Domestic Terrorism Read more

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August 6, 2019
This article does well to report the known facts and provides a great update to the DOJ's position regarding lone domestic shooters. However, I would urge the author to remove the following sentence from the top of paragraph two, "The El Paso massacre may be the end of the free speech defense." It's the author interjecting his take to spice up the next paragraph, and it reads as wholly unnecessary since the rest of the piece is fantastic. I hope author Jared Keller does a follow up story to dive deeper into the "arguments against this expansion of the "domestic terror" label."
August 6, 2019
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Great Context
August 7, 2019
The author manages to paint a clear picture of what it means for the FBI to deem mass shootings an act of domestic terrorism. The contextualisation of the topic by providing a timeline of the past shootings, leads well into the description of the benefits and acquired investigative power that this labelling would hand to the DOJ. The article is very informative, balanced and gives a great idea of what is happening even to someone external to US politics.
August 7, 2019
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Political Agenda
August 6, 2019
This article covers the timeline of events for the FBI well, but the author inserts a heavy bias into the article. He consistently talks about "right-wing extremism", which is not a thing. Right wing politics are conservative, small government ideals. Social views should be divorced from political views, as many conservatives believe in small government but have more laissez-faire social views that place a high priority on privacy and individual freedom. By making the assumption of associating these individuals with conservative politics, they are attempting to create a group of people that does not exist within the label. Furthermore, there are examples of liberals doing these things as the liberal who shot up youtube a few years back. The media conveniently forgets that it seems. All of this was ignored in this article in favor of creating labels for a perceived group of people through the author's intentionally selected verbiage, and purposely chosen label.
August 6, 2019
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Great Context
August 5, 2019
The author pulls a summarization of recent mass shootings from many other articles but it really helps provide context to why there is a progression from the FBI and other organizations to start treating these mass shootings as 'domestic terrorism.' Doing this gives broader powers to investigate not only the individual but the organizations they might be associated with. This also allows the FBI to prosecute other violations and illegal activity.
August 5, 2019
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