Senate committee focuses on pain sufferers denied painkillers amid opioid crisis
August 5, 20197 min read1325 words
Published: August 5, 2019  |  7 min read1325 words
In Jan. 2018, Amy Pohl was diagnosed with a rare chronic pain condition known as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), which is dubbed the "suicide disease."You can now listen to Fox News articles!As the national focus on the  crisis centers on cracking down on overpre...
Senate committee focuses on pain sufferers denied painkillers amid opioid crisis Read more

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7 reviews


March 18, 2020
A well-sourced and balanced look at an issue that some might argue was aborn by the law of unintended consequences. The Author takes a commendably compassionate and even-handed approach to the story without a hint of bias. The quoting, commentary, and links, are from credible sources. The inclusion of the expository video provides additional and welcome context. Well written, interesting, and information laden. A worthwhile read. Four stars!
March 18, 2020
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August 6, 2019
This article is a perfectly crafted reminder to legislators and the public not to overstep when confronting opioid crisis. Author Elizabeth Llorente writes a very balanced piece that requires her to do something very unpopular right now, which is defend the medical need for access to opioids, so those dealing with chronic pain can get the treatment they need. I applaud her willingness to shed light on the other side of the issue, and to remain objective and balanced in her reporting.
August 6, 2019
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August 6, 2019
This author does an excellent job of highlighting the other (and often overlooked/ignored) side of the opioid epidemic - chronic pain patients. The article is critical but remains objective and professional in its tone. The sources quoted are reliable and thorough.
August 6, 2019
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Well Sourced
August 6, 2019
This piece covers a complex issue with attention to the many different factors at work. The author supports her reporting with recent, evidence-based publications and represents the opinions of lawmakers by directly quoting the source. The facts presented are well researched, and the author does a commendable job writing about the unfortunate consequences of the prescribing regulations suggested by the CDC.
August 6, 2019
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Great Context
August 6, 2019
Very nice job by the author to pursue a narrative that runs contrary to the majority of coverage surrounding the opioid crisis. She places a spotlight on an essential piece of the puzzle that's currently being ignored nearly everywhere else and she does so without fits of outrage or phenomenal claims. This is the type of coverage necessary to have an effective dialogue about this, or any, topic.
August 6, 2019
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August 5, 2019
This piece counterbalances nearly all other news stories related to opioids by describing the needs of people who rely on pain medications. Such individuals have been otherwise neglected by most reporters, legislators, and regulators in the U.S.
August 5, 2019
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Great Context
August 5, 2019
The author covers a much-neglected topic in a manner that focuses on facts without prejudice. She exposes the need for balance in opioid-related lawmaking and a budding effort in Congress to demonstrate greater compassion for individuals whose treatment has been affected by policies to reduce the prescribing of opioid pain medications.
August 5, 2019
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August 7, 2019
This article tells of an often-neglected side to the opioid crisis story. It is very well-researched and well-sourced. The author counters the popular narrative surrounding the opioid epidemic
August 7, 2019
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