The House’s top Republican blames video games for mass shootings
August 4, 20192 min read437 words
Published: August 4, 2019  |  2 min read437 words
The House’s top Republican blames video games for mass shootings Read more

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Political Agenda
August 5, 2019
The author's opinion was unsolicited, and weakens the article. Any time politicians attempt to tie violence to TV or video games, it is just grasping at straws. There is no research that draws a substantial link between the them, and there have been concerted efforts since the 1980s to draw that line. When will people begin researching the link between bad parenting and violence?
August 5, 2019
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Great Context
August 5, 2019
A concise read giving readers context around the argument that violent video games are somehow correlated with the mass shootings we're seeing in the U.S. This sentence from the piece sums it up: "If the correlation was as McCarthy, Trump and Patrick have all suggested, then countries like South Korea, the Netherlands and the U.K. would all experience regular mass shootings or rampage-style attacks, which they don’t."
August 5, 2019
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Well Sourced
August 4, 2019
There is a lot to be said about this article, both positive and negative. First, it is interesting to see the comments from CA Republican and how it mimics talking points from Bill Clinton in 1999. It also includes a link to a study showing how video games do not correlate with gun violence. However, this article also includes the author's personal opinion and point of view, making a weak claim defending the El Paso shooter's 'super-soldier fantasy.' At the end of the article, the author failed to understand that videogamers cannot be defined by one game that they play, as they often play many different games at the same time.
August 4, 2019
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Pure Opinion
August 5, 2019
While the quotes seem to be accurate, this article then veers far off into opinion.
August 5, 2019
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