A Majority Of House Democrats Support An Impeachment Inquiry Into Donald Trump
August 2, 20194 min read866 words
Published: August 2, 2019  |  4 min read866 words
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that the House needs to keep investigating before considering impeachment.WASHINGTON — The gradual trickle of Democrats coming out in support of beginning impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump reached a milestone Thursday, with...
A Majority Of House Democrats Support An Impeachment Inquiry Into Donald Trump Read more

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Well Sourced
August 2, 2019
The article headline correctly calls out its specific focus: the movement among Democrats in the House, towards an impeachment inquiry. The article does not claim to evaluate the benefit to the country, the Republican stance, nor whether Trump's acts merit removing him. It simply lists the rationale for those House members who are now a majority of their party. (I take the count as being correct, and don't need the article to list each member's most recent position. I didn't see any claim in the article that relied critically on somewhat more or fewer members being pro or con.) I further believe the quoted reasonings laid out a range of Democrats' opinions on the issue, without claiming they're somehow precisely representative of any other group's views. Some readers on either the Left or Right may not like the content of the “movement”—ALL readers likely have their own feelings about it—but I thought the article bore on what it promised to.
August 2, 2019
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Political Agenda
August 2, 2019
While the article is factual, it is not balanced. Basically all the quotes and arguments are from the pro-impeachment Democrats with virtually no discussion of the arguments from the similar number of Democrats opposing impeachment.
August 2, 2019
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August 2, 2019
This article discusses the current feelings among the democrats about whether or not to move forward wit impeachment hearings. It doesn't really take a side, just talks about the current state. It's a bit surface level, but is mostly focused on the fact that the majority has flipped from anti-impeachment hearings to pro-impeachment hearings.
August 2, 2019
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August 2, 2019
“Talks about impeachment began almost as soon as Trump entered the White House.” This is one of those stories which the MSM trot out every so often to give the sheeple the impression that their government is working in their interests, and is actively doing something about a truly monstrous leader. Of course, as the above quote confirms, impeachment has been “talked” about since Drumpf lumbered into office, and it will remain talk until the day he leaves, or is forcibly removed for crimes against humanity. The Democrats’ notion that “we mustn’t be too hasty” merely means that neither party has the slightest interest in actually impeaching a sitting president, for that would reveal that the office has been corrupted beyond repair. Lame articles such as this merely reinforce the sad status quo.
August 2, 2019
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Political Agenda
August 2, 2019
Imagine that: Democrats want to oust a President they disagree with. Who would ever have guessed? This article is clearly pushing a political agenda, I do not think any further elaboration is necessary. No citations, no verified sources, and rampant speculation.
August 2, 2019
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