The Trump Administration Will Pay Farmers $16 Billion for Its Trade War
July 30, 20193 min read529 words
Published: July 30, 2019  |  3 min read529 words
September 13, 2022President Donald Trump unveiled details of a $16 billion bailout for farmers this week to compensate for income lost in the trade war with China, a conflict that has done lasting damage to American industry—and raised farm subsidies to new heights in the process...
The Trump Administration Will Pay Farmers $16 Billion for Its Trade War Read more

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Stacking the Deck
July 31, 2019
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July 31, 2019
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Stacking the Deck
July 31, 2019
Author Emily Moon is definitely stacking the deck in this article criticizing the Trump Administration's trade policies. Every source and bit of information provided represents the argument that Trump should not have interfered with existing U.S. China trade policy. I would have liked Moon to have shared an opposing argument, quotes from the administration, or thoughts from supporters of Trump's efforts. I especially don't like when journalists use the framing of "The X comes amid criticism of Y", as Moon did by introducing the article saying "The announcement comes amid criticism of farm subsidies, which exceed revenue Trump has taken in from tariffs on Chinese imports." This is just the author trying to lead the reader to their predetermined conclusion rather than presenting the facts and letting the information speak for itself.
July 31, 2019
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Stacking the Deck
July 30, 2019
I have a number of concerns about this article. First, the headline states it's going to give $16B to farmers, but within the article, it links to an NYT report that says Trump's tariff on China couldn't cover the $16B but directly contradicts itself within the same report saying the tariffs have brought in $20.8B. Later in the article, the author seems to stack the deck against Trump's decision by citing her own analysis/critique, an organization that fights tariffs, and a disgruntled farmer who advocated against the tariffs. The headline is accurate, its the additional input from the author that causes concern.
July 30, 2019
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