Trump must release tax returns to be able to appear on California primary ballot
July 30, 20192 min read476 words
Published: July 30, 2019  |  2 min read476 words
Trump must release tax returns to be able to appear on California primary ballot Read more

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February 21, 2020
At the time this article was written, these were accurate facts about the new law Gavin Newsom signed. However, since then this law has been appealed by Trump and the California Supreme Court has struck it down as unconstitutional. Therefore the article as written is credible, although a follow up now reveals the opposite
February 21, 2020
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July 31, 2019
This was a fantastic article highlighting California's recent change to require presidential candidates to release their tax returns before being eligible for primary ballots. The author used sources from both sides of the argument, including quotes from those who crafted the legislation. Author Kathleen Ronayne was also honest in stating that the legislation is targeted at Trump. I appreciate how balanced Ronayne remained throughout the piece and recommending all to read it!
July 31, 2019
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Great Context
July 30, 2019
Instead of taking a political stance, this article offers balance and context as to why Gavin introduced this law, how Trump could subvert the law and still get the Republican nomination, and what it means for all future California governors.
July 30, 2019
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Great Context
August 2, 2019
This is still just the beginning of this laws story I'm sure. This article provides a foundation for where it is right now, mentions that in this election it may not actually have a substantial impact (although if it holds up I could see republican challengers to Trump entering the race in hopes that winning California could actually put them in the race against Trump). Doesn't really take a stance on the bill, but discusses how the past and present democratic California governors are standing on different sides of the bill.
August 2, 2019
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Well Sourced
July 31, 2019
The article summarizes the law, no real bias is evident. The one thing that gets me is this is aimed at Trump, and California will never have a majority vote for a conservative...
July 31, 2019
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