Scientists are weaving human brain cells into microchips
February 5, 20212 min read333 words
Published: February 5, 2021  |  2 min read333 words
Big News / Small Bytes2. 5. 21 Biological AI2. 5. 213BRAIN AG / FuturismIt's not unusual for artificial intelligence developers to take inspiration from the human brain when designing their algorithms or the circuitry they run on, but now a project is taking that biological inspi...
Scientists are weaving human brain cells into microchips Read more

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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 3
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5 reviews


Surface Level
February 8, 2021
Well, let's just say that the actual press release this piece is gleaned from is more interesting and informative. Check the link provided. In fact this "article" would have been improved by several orders of magnitude by sticking with the first paragraph and just copying and pasting in the press release. Simple and without the pretense of this attempting to be some type of original reporting. Equally offensive is that someone claims a byline and that this site (after you run out of free articles, so to speak) wants people to pay for this "content". Don't waste your time.
February 8, 2021
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Surface Level
February 8, 2021
The headline promise is what the quoted researcher says they HOPE to achieve, not what “is” happening. The story links to an AAAS article with some details of the effort, which could at some future date lead to the advances they seek: higher-capability neural computing with lower power requirements. I'd give the linked AAAS note more like 4 stars, although it, too, lacks any details of the challenges and how they will be addressed A host of questions need answers before this research “weaves” “human brain cells into microchips.” This looks like an interesting pilot study…but only that. The article is disposable.
February 8, 2021
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Surface Level
February 6, 2021
This is an incredibly surface level look into the alleged technology, and frankly, reads a lot like a press release the company might have put together themselves.
February 6, 2021
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Surface Level
February 5, 2021
A very interesting project in a surface level article. The link for the press release offers better context.
February 5, 2021
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