Mitch McConnell received donations from voting machine company lobbyists before blocking election security bills
July 27, 20193 min read610 words
Published: July 27, 2019  |  3 min read610 words
ShareSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections "as we sit here."McConnell said...
Mitch McConnell received donations from voting machine company lobbyists before blocking election security bills Read more

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public reviews: 4
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5 reviews


July 28, 2019
An nominally interesting bill of particulars regarding the referenced issue. Also points up the seemingly quid pro quo nature of American politics vis-à-vis campaign contributions and legislative action. From a generally credible source.
July 28, 2019
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Political Agenda
July 31, 2019
The portion of article describing McConnell's taking bribes is well described. The glaring flaw in the article is the lacing of the piece with mcarthite demonizing of Russia for meddling in our elections, none of which has ever been factually proven to have had any significant effect. This article deliberately steers the reader away from the very real and dangerous problems in our election process and subplants them with the cold war mcarthyite propaganda of the DNC and our ruling oligarchy. I suggest Greg palast as a refreshing replacement for this typically substandard corporate media word salad.
July 31, 2019
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Great Context
July 30, 2019
I don't really know if an $1000 donation really means that much to a campaign. Without any context it doesn't seem like much. I do believe though, as reported by other sources, that McConnell blocked the bills because they were "partisan" and has been avoiding discussion on election security. This article also made me think about what securing up the elections might actually mean. Never thought about the companies who produce the actual voting machines before.
July 30, 2019
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Well Sourced
July 29, 2019
By using primary sources and direct quotes, author Goodkind (2019), summarizes the bizarre efforts of Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell to block funding for ensuring secure US elections. Coincidently, the Majority leader appears to benefit financially, according to FEC filings cited within. Sen. McConnell's efforts are also peculiar because of the funding requests made by Sen. Schumer, came directly from the recommendations of the Senate Select Committee On Intelligence report, released publically on 25 July 2019. The article does not rely on conjecture or bias and offers a unique feature to submit corrections directly to Newsweek. Upon comparison to two other websites, The Young Turks (26 July 2019) and The Hill (25 July 2019), the facts are reported the same way as the Newsweek report, lending to the highest rating of 5 stars.
July 29, 2019
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Well Sourced
July 28, 2019
The article makes a strong case why McConnell blocked two bills written to ensure our election security by listing the names and the high dollar donations to McConnell from voting machine lobbyists.
July 28, 2019
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