AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back
July 16, 20199 min read1829 words
Published: July 16, 2019  |  9 min read1829 words
Progressive lawmaker responds to President Trump's tweets.You can now listen to Fox News articles!In spirited remarks tinged with open animosity, Rep. D-Minn., standing side-by-side with Reps. Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib, declared at a news conference Monday on Ca...
AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back Read more

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Political Agenda
July 16, 2019
This article seems to summarize the blizzard of charges and countercharges. It reports the Congresswomen's claim that Trump stirred up this issue in order to distract from more policy-relevant concerns, such as the reports they made after touring the ICE camps. While that claim is speculative, I find it within the normal range of political speech, and the article does not attempt to attack it. My deepest concern is that the article continues the “he said/she said” food fight while leaving out critically-important context. A recent NYT.Com headline, ”Trump Falsely Accuses Ilhan Omar of Proclaiming ‘How Great Al Qaeda Is’” has details that Fox completely omits, details which are at the heart of Trump's attack. In that striking omission, Fox biases its report beyond redemption.
July 16, 2019
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