After Being Sworn In, AOC Repeated Accusation About Women Drinking Out of Toilets at Border Hearing
July 15, 20192 min read386 words
Published: July 15, 2019  |  2 min read386 words
As we yesterday, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanded to be sworn in before giving testimony about what she saw when she visited border detention facilities. It was such an “unusual” request that even Democratic Chairman Elijah Cummings thought it slightly over the top...
After Being Sworn In, AOC Repeated Accusation About Women Drinking Out of Toilets at Border Hearing Read more

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Hit Piece
July 15, 2019
Its apparent from the very beginning that the author has a (negative) personal opinion about AOC - "AOC is truly the single most despicable member of Congress." As if the opinion of the author is what I care about.... I would've liked to know the model number of the toilet or something that would help us find out if the BP or AOC is lying.
July 15, 2019
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Hit Piece
July 15, 2019
If it was only meant to be dramatic, and you hate that, why bring attention to it? An uninformative and biased piece about something that really needs to be talked about and to have the right attention put on it!
July 15, 2019
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Hit Piece
July 15, 2019
After reading this piece, you have to wonder what POV the author has. Literally nothing in the article is fact-based, and it's all a racist sexist smear. The only way I can pretend to understand is that the author is a NAZI and this is a NAZI-style propaganda piece, ie total garbage. That's probably what it is.
July 15, 2019
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