Google admits workers listen to private recordings from around your house
July 12, 20193 min read529 words
Published: July 12, 2019  |  3 min read529 words
employees listen to customers’ audio recordings on Google Home smart speakers, the technology giant has admitted.Language experts are employed to analyse “snippets” of recordings made by users, which Google claims helps improve its voice recognition technology.This is then used t...
Google admits workers listen to private recordings from around your house Read more

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Surface Level4
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 7
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51 reviews
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1 reviews
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7 reviews


July 12, 2019
Very brief piece on the latest privacy travails at technology companies. Not particularly informative as this matter has been more substantively covered by other news outlets. Debatable as to whether or not the article is even worth reading.
July 12, 2019
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Surface Level
July 13, 2019
The article itself contains direct quotes from the company on thr subject matter without tailoring the language in order to misrepresent or sensationalize the facts. That being said, the articles headline is the exception. It's specifically worded to invoke concern in the reader for a relatively mundane subject. Unfortuantely the article doesn't provide any new or insightful information. The content itself is trustworthy while not necessarily worth reading.
July 13, 2019
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Surface Level
July 12, 2019
I don't think there is really any new information in this article other than one person may have leaked some private (but anonymous) recordings. It then provides very little information about that.
July 12, 2019
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Surface Level
July 13, 2019
Basically just quotes a press release from google while offering little insight or analysis
July 13, 2019
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July 12, 2019
The headline is specifically sensational - it makes it seem like a much bigger practice than what it is revealed to actually be.
July 12, 2019
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Surface Level
July 15, 2019
While the headline feels sensational in relation to the overall article, it is accurate in describing what has actually taken place. Yet, I've rated this article surface level because it is not as it seems. Google is only listening to 0.2% of audio clips and they're not from user accounts - and its for improving their vocal recognition products. However, not much information is provided beyond this.
July 15, 2019
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July 15, 2019
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July 15, 2019
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July 13, 2019
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July 13, 2019
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