Here’s the alarming reason the Capitol rioters were so easily captured — according to experts
January 19, 20217 min read1351 words
Published: January 19, 2021  |  7 min read1351 words
--Trump supporter holds a Confederate flag outside the Senate Chamber. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)Some of President Donald Trump's supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol were laughably easy to identify and arrest, but two experts on extremism say that's a warning sign.The rioters...
Here’s the alarming reason the Capitol rioters were so easily captured — according to experts Read more

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Political Agenda
January 20, 2021
Boy, it is pretty clear that this author is reaching to find something "alarming" to get click-throughs. Wouldn't a reasonable person be relieved if some of the capitol rioters thought they were doing something admirable rather than breaking the law? Is that such a ridiculous idea considering the way that BLM-connected violence was lauded, even by politicians? In any case it is clearly good news that people are getting a clear message that rioting is wrong, whatever your intentions.
January 20, 2021
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Political Agenda
January 20, 2021
This piece does an awful job of trying to come off sounding unbiased. It provides only one side of the story, jests at trying to explain logic from a flawed perspective, and hand waves away any concept that there was any reasonable justification for people who legitimately see problems within the last election that are, as of yet, uninvestigated and unresolved.
January 20, 2021
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