The housing market is about to shift in a bad way for buyers
July 10, 20193 min read551 words
Published: July 10, 2019  |  3 min read551 words
Key PointsCompetition in the housing market finally began to cool this year, as listings multiplied and price gains moderated. Bidding wars became less frequent and spring sales perked up a bit. Well, forget that. The heat is on yet again.The housing shortage that fueled competit...
The housing market is about to shift in a bad way for buyers Read more

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critic reviews: 1
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6 reviews


July 15, 2019
While the source is credible the article is a bit alarmist and speculative. The informational depth is shallow and no substantive conclusions can be drawn from the data referenced.
July 15, 2019
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July 10, 2019
While a number of reasonable sources were cited, I don’t see the support for the hyperbole of the headlines.
July 10, 2019
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Financial Incentive
July 10, 2019
The building of new homes has slowed, this article tries to spin that information as a positive sign for the realestate market. is an industry site that's bias is towards pumping the market.
July 10, 2019
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Well Sourced
July 11, 2019
Seems to be well sourced by industry, critical analysis would require independent experts to review the data. I do not feel that gut reactions by individuals reviewing the article is of very much merit.
July 11, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
July 10, 2019
This user only left a rating
July 10, 2019
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Great Context
July 10, 2019
While I believe the information presented in the article is true, I felt the context of listing prices and inventory, as well as reasons for owners not to list homes, didnt easily make clear that these would cause the same price hikes as back in 2017 and 2018... unless you were another real estate agent perhaps that understood a 1-2% difference in inventory would cause such a hike. Also, there was no link to the report that this article seems to be referencing.
July 10, 2019
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Not Credible
July 10, 2019
one persons notion of bad is another's version of so what this has no bearing on the price of cumquats
July 10, 2019
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