Bad news for Bernie has his backers getting antsy - POLITICO
July 5, 20196 min read1243 words
Published: July 5, 2019  |  6 min read1243 words
Sen. Bernie Sanders is counting on proving the doubters wrong as he did in 2016 when his campaign exceeded all expectations. | Joe Raedle/Getty ImagesBernie Sanders keeps getting bad news.After Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren seized the spotlight in the first primary debate, t...
Bad news for Bernie has his backers getting antsy - POLITICO Read more

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critic reviews: 3
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public reviews: 5
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9 reviews


Well Sourced
July 12, 2019
The story is well-sourced and credible, but the headline is a headscratcher: the article entirely quotes Sanders staff and supporters about the campaign's strategy. Who the "Bernie backers" are is not really answered, nor how they are getting "antsy." It's an all-too-common problem of 1,200 words of a well-written story being undermined by a headline writer's 9 words.
July 12, 2019
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July 6, 2019
Allowing for the fact that Politico is primarily a voice of the Washington, D.C. establishment, the article nonetheless is informative, relatively well balanced and credible.
July 6, 2019
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July 5, 2019
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July 5, 2019
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July 6, 2019
The article presents information from some recent, post-Democratic debates polls. I wish it did more to cover the problems with some of these polls and I didn't need the author interjecting her political spin on the landscape (she seems to favor Biden and want to see Sanders lose support).
July 6, 2019
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Great Context
July 12, 2019
The headline is terrible and doesnt match the quality and credibility of the article presented. The article provided context around Bernie's recent campaigning, funding, tactics for the future, and when he might come up in the polls. There was no angle within the article but the headline hurt the article's overall credibility for such a sensationalist, inaccurate headline.
July 12, 2019
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July 6, 2019
Biden and Buttigieg raised more "corporate" money. Bernie's donations are from we peons.
July 6, 2019
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Political Agenda
July 5, 2019
2 polls in Iowa show Bernie in 4th place. Hmmmm. Wonder what national polls show? Not going to show in this article ... until waaaay down it says he's polled #2 very closely behind Biden. Next point -- Bernie isn't differentiated b/c everyone is adopting his positions. Another way of saying this could be 'Bernie in 2016 pushed positions which were unpopular in the Dem Party, and now almost all the candidates are proposing one or more of these positions', in other words Bernie was the front runner in ALL of the progressive positions in the 2020 nomination. Nowhere does this article say Bernie was years ahead of the competition. The abundant tendency for the media to misrepresent or skewer Bernie, while playing softball with a blatant mafia criminal like Trump, reveals that big media fears Bernie. Media is responsible with educating people on subjects, but when reporters can't differentiate a Democratic Socialist (in the same vein as most Euro democracies) from a Communist or Totalitarian, then the media loses its credibility.
July 5, 2019
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Well Sourced
July 13, 2019
in 2016 there was one Bernie, now there are 5 Bernie lites, If its true that the campaign is looking at toning down the same pitch he had in 2016 then those who are on the fence so frickin early in this process will come back, if they ever left. on the other hand THERE IS NO EDUCATION IN THE SECOND KICK OF THE MULE
July 13, 2019
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