NRA meltdown has Trump campaign sweating
July 3, 20198 min read1532 words
Published: July 3, 2019  |  8 min read1532 words
President Donald Trump appears with Chris Cox, who was then the head of the NRA's lobbying arm, in 2018. With Cox gone, it's an open question who will oversee the NRA’s 2020 strategy. | Sue Ogrocki/AP PhotoThe National Rifle Association aired an avalanche of TV ads and pushed its...
NRA meltdown has Trump campaign sweating Read more

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Political Agenda2
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 5
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6 reviews


Political Agenda
July 3, 2019
News organizations MUST stop publishing Trump's Tweets. They are NOT official pronouncements of policy and they are utterly political and manipulative. News orgs that publish Tweets as statements of policy are NOT actual news organizations but part of the Trump campaign machine.
July 3, 2019
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Hit Piece
July 6, 2019
Excellent writing and paraphrasing by known names and organizations supportive of NRA, but source materials are not documented, so lessens the viability of position posed in the article.
July 6, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
July 5, 2019
While this article started out as speculation, I realized it was the lack of reliable sources (and links to) that is the true missing piece to this article's credibility. These events might have happened but without linking to some sort of record of the fact, the author could be making up or skewing information and the reader would have no way of knowing. This article relies strictly on quotes from NRA leaders and politicians.
July 5, 2019
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Political Agenda
July 3, 2019
This article uses inflammatory language to paint a particularly negative light of the situation. There are quotes in the piece that contradict the claims of the article directly, and most of the piece that paints a negative picture is baseless speculation.
July 3, 2019
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July 3, 2019
This user only left a rating
July 3, 2019
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July 4, 2019
I trust Politico, parts of articles have been sourced well and those evil bastards in the GOP and there minions will do anything, anything to get there village idiot elected
July 4, 2019
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