Want the truth? Put your money on Bill Barr, not Jerry Nadler
June 19, 20194 min read834 words
Published: June 19, 2019  |  4 min read834 words
by Kevin R. Brock, opinion contributor - 06/18/19 9:30 AM ETThe views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill✕An anonymous, but wise, Wyoming rancher recently summarized special counsel Robert Mueller’s report in clear middle-America language: “We kno...
Want the truth? Put your money on Bill Barr, not Jerry Nadler Read more

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June 20, 2019
Fairly withering take on the political establishment, but in contrast to the propaganda that's still being served up around Trump's election campaign, Brock highlights some sober questions that probably ought to be answered. Sadly, his piece will probably be viewed or read from a tribal perspective, and so written off by at least half of all readers as entirely partisan and biased. But for those who may want to take a step back and attempt to view the bigger US political environment from a more objective position, this article will prove useful.
June 20, 2019
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Political Agenda
June 28, 2019
This article is little more than hyperbole riddled opinion and political bait-and-switch. No facts presented, no credible sources cited. Obviously written with a specific demographic in mind. Writing like this isn't journalism, it's reality TV script writing.
June 28, 2019
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Pure Opinion
June 20, 2019
This article is riddled with the author's opinion and some political framing that doesn't serve the reader. The author asks questions throughout the piece that readers would expect answers to, but instead we leave with little more than an understanding of this author's views on the situation.
June 20, 2019
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June 19, 2019
Perhaps by putting a question mark after 'Want the truth' in the headline allows the author to avoid claiming that the article is true. This is a completely biased and twisted piece. The most interesting part was that the author claims to have been a former FBI person -- even that fact might be suspect, after reading this article. I was hoping for an in-depth analysis, but what I got was propagandistic fluff arguing that Mueller found no evidence, and that the whole thing is a political show. No, the issue is whether the President has or is committing crimes. If the answer is yes, this is significant, not 'merely a show'.
June 19, 2019
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