A $999 monitor stand is everything wrong with Apple today | Engadget
June 5, 20194 min read743 words
Published: June 5, 2019  |  4 min read743 words
You can pinpoint the exact moment when Apple lost the WWDC audience on Monday. John Ternus, the company's VP of hardware engineering, had just revealed that the , its new high-end 6K monitor, will cost $4,999. That's pricey, but reasonable considering all of the features it offer...
A $999 monitor stand is everything wrong with Apple today | Engadget Read more

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Pure Opinion
July 5, 2019
The author makes multiple claims about Apple's "failures" such as the usefulness of the iPad Pro given iOS "limitations" and the lack of ports on Apple laptops. While he is entitled to his opinion, to claim that this is related to the overpriced monitor stand and indicate that it's a sign that Apple is out of touch seems like quite a stretch. If he wants to convince his readers, he should consider gathering information from his users to confirm the many criticisms he shared in the article.
July 5, 2019
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Pure Opinion
June 5, 2019
The article was purely from the journalist's personal perspective. If I was an avid techie like those of the WWDC crowd, maybe I'd have a differing opinion than the author of this article. The author assumes that because the crowd was "murmuring" after the announcment that they disliked it, but the author does not quote any individuals from the event. However, ti did a good job of informing me about the monitor stand and the potential response from consumers in the space.
June 5, 2019
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June 5, 2019
Although this is a review of the new Apple monitor stand and therefor is based on the author's opinion, he does a great job explaining the reasoning behind his critiques and providing evidence of why this particular product falls short.
June 5, 2019
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Hit Piece
June 8, 2019
This is little more than a hit piece targeting apple critics for clicks. The critique is based solely on the author's opinion and fails to look at the product from alternative points of view, cost of materials, cost of manufacture, quality of finished product, or use case scenarios. I love when the author says the room "erupted" into murmur?
June 8, 2019
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June 7, 2019
Opinion piece. I agree with the opinion.
June 7, 2019
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June 6, 2019
This feels like an ad that's pretending to questions the monitor but then talks all about what it does.
June 6, 2019
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Pure Opinion
June 25, 2019
Devindra has every right to his opinion on an expensive $999 monitor stand; however, I think his opinion is far fetched to say that this stand is everything wrong with Apple today. He didn't counter balance his opinion with the introduction of the iPad Air or MacBook Air which targets a less affluent Apple owner. Of course, $999 is expensive for a monitor stand. Using his analogy of a Ferrari with the handling os a go-cart is quite misleading for someone that was not on the Apple internal team working on the Mac Pro for years with a team of Pro Users that I am sure the internal team solicited feedback. It is so easy for cretics to express their opinions today and not appreciate the fine craftsmanship in a product while taking one example (expensive stand) and extending his opinion to a MacBook Touch Bar feature and so forth which is totally unrelated. Perhaps he should ask Apple for a review unit or better yet buy one himself and use it for some time before he starts typing and writing an opinion piece. Criticizing Apple and the most valuable company with the best brand is easy target for someone that works at Engadget probably with a deadline and an editor overlooking him with a hidden agenda.
June 25, 2019
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June 21, 2019
It is an opinion piece, but the author's last sentence brings it all together: "But no matter how I look at it, I can't see the professional justification for a $999 monitor stand, especially when you can get decent rotating mounts for $32." He admits that it's a great monitor stand, but that's not the point. That point is that paying $1,000 for a monitor stand - on top of a $5,000 purchase for the monitor - is an example of Apple squeezing its customers.
June 21, 2019
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