Oakland Becomes Second U.S. City to Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms
June 5, 20192 min read331 words
Published: June 5, 2019  |  2 min read331 words
Oakland Becomes Second U.S. City to Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms Read more

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Surface Level
June 11, 2019
There's a lot left unsaid here. I'm sure there is more to the story than just a simple "Oakland residents woke up and mushrooms were decriminalized" (that's just a paraphrase). There's probably more to the exact law as well and more to the fact that while psilocybin may be decriminalized locally, it's still illegal on a state- and nationwide basis. Good overview though.
June 11, 2019
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Surface Level
June 11, 2019
This is article just covers the situation at a high level. The detail is lacking, specifics of legislation are missing, and lots of other relevant data points are not included. Having said that, there is no opinion injected, the piece is concise, and what is included seems to be verified.
June 11, 2019
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June 6, 2019
I really wish there was more detail into where this came from. How did it become decimalized, who was involved, etc? This article does a good job of not taking a strong opinion, while sharing others' emotions around the decriminalization. I like the SF Chronicle announcement a bit more: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Oakland-expected-to-vote-tonight-on-whether-to-13937792.php.
June 6, 2019
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June 5, 2019
Short, informative article on decriminalizing "magic mushrooms." Includes quotes and other contextual information about the leading up to and after passing the law.
June 5, 2019
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Surface Level
June 5, 2019
The article highlights an important breakthrough in the fight to decriminalize and eventually legalize psilocybin, but it's a somewhat surface level piece. I'm glad the story is getting out there, but it would have been nice to read more about the actual policy, when it will go into effect, and more about the lawmakers decision to approve decriminalization.
June 5, 2019
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