After SpaceX Starlink Launch, a Fear of Satellites That Outnumber All Visible Stars (Published 2019)
June 2, 20197 min read1391 words
Published: June 2, 2019  |  7 min read1391 words
AdvertisementUpdate: June 1, 2019This article has been updated to reflect estimates of satellites potentially appearing in images taken by a telescope that were revised after it was published.Last month, SpaceX successfully 60 500-pound satellites into space. Soon amateur skywatc...
After SpaceX Starlink Launch, a Fear of Satellites That Outnumber All Visible Stars (Published 2019) Read more

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June 5, 2019
Great and balanced look into a new conundrum facing earth. The article does a great job of not being harsh on either side, but also reporting what people are thinking across the spectrum of opinions.
June 5, 2019
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June 2, 2019
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June 2, 2019
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Great Context
June 2, 2019
This is a very informative article about a problem many may not have thought about. The author provided great context to the potential effects of having a large number of satellites in space. While other companies (who also launch satellites) were mentioned in this story, the reason this article only got 4 stars is that the focus was strongly on SpaceX and their Starlink satellites. At times during the article, I thought the author of the article should've referenced all companies launching these satellites but instead, it almost seemed like the blame was being put on Starlink and SpaceX exclusively. A minor change that might have been addressed in editing.
June 2, 2019
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June 2, 2019
This was a great article shedding light on the downside of SpaceX's recent, and incredible, new milestone. I believe it's crucially important that we connect the rest of the world to the internet, and I also deeply value the immensity of a clear night sky. The author does a great job of tying the two opposing viewpoints together in a fair and balanced way. In the article, astronomer Dr. Nordgren is quoted saying "The night sky has the power to make people feel awe." Nordgren is of course correct, but it's worth noting that this marks a new human achievement and one that will have an immediate and direct positive impact of those suffering the most in today's world. I trust that SpaceX will do the right thing and make efforts to work with the Astronomy community as they launch more satellites.
June 2, 2019
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