Bolton Alleges Iran Maritime Sabotage But Evidence Points Elsewhere
May 30, 201912 min read2464 words
Published: May 30, 2019  |  12 min read2464 words
Bolton Alleges Iran Maritime Sabotage But Evidence Points Elsewhere Read more

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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 10
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12 reviews


June 1, 2019
Total hoax to manufacture consent for war with Iran by Bolton. Mint Press and Whitney Webb producers are excellent independent investigative content 👍
June 1, 2019
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June 4, 2019
Seemed well researched and had points I had not seen in other articles covering this situation and accusations.
June 4, 2019
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June 1, 2019
Find Whitney Webbs writing and Mint Press in general provide very good analysis and logical arguments for their pieces. This article provides more context to the issue and the heavy US military presence in the area right now and how easy it wold be for the US to fabricate the incident. It also highlights that just because the US says so doesn't mean it is so - you need to have more evidence before making accusations and there is just none from the US
June 1, 2019
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Great Context
June 1, 2019
While there is so much speculation around the events that may have taken place, and whether Iran was involved, author Whitney Webb provided great context to a tense situation. Webb provided additional information that let's the reader make their own decision about the result of the events. This article lost half a star mainly because I thought some of the important details to the article's over claim required me to read other articles.
June 1, 2019
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Great Context
June 1, 2019
I believe the most important job of journalism is to question the motives and demand evidence from those that would seek to justify a military conflict. I believe John Bolton has a track record of being on the offensive, and I would hate for a misunderstood incident out at sea to become reason enough to engage militarily with Iran. I appreciate Webb's questioning of the official narrative and she's right to require a high standard of evidence in these circumstances.
June 1, 2019
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June 4, 2019
Whitney uncovers the news beyond the fake narrative
June 4, 2019
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May 31, 2019
Very well investigative and well sourced
May 31, 2019
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June 4, 2019
Wildly speculative
June 4, 2019
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May 31, 2019
seems very true
May 31, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
May 31, 2019
MintPress is a joke.
May 31, 2019
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Not Credible
May 31, 2019
More propaganda to justify another war
May 31, 2019
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