Even More Americans Ate Plant-Based Meats In 2020, And Animal Advocates Are Celebrating
December 30, 20204 min read825 words
Published: December 30, 2020  |  4 min read825 words
BETAThis is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by Dec 30, 2020,Animals are probably celebrating too. Have you ever seen a cow smile?New numbers from the animal welfare organization World Animal Protection estimate that nearly 1 million animals were saved from being turned in...
Even More Americans Ate Plant-Based Meats In 2020, And Animal Advocates Are Celebrating Read more

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Political Agenda1
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 3
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3 reviews


December 30, 2020
A nice look at a significant change taking place in the world of food production and consumption. Excellently sourced, with the many links providing for further information on the topic at hand. The quoting and commentary are pointed (without being overbearing), relevant, and provide context. Additionally the Author's matter-of-fact style, particularly with regard to the subject matter, makes for a pleasant and informative read. Whatever one's overall position on the issue this piece bears reading and will leave the reader better informed. Four stars!
December 30, 2020
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Political Agenda
January 5, 2021
There is a very clear point of view to this article, but the information sewn in is seems accurate and is supported with citations out to other sources.
January 5, 2021
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Well Sourced
December 30, 2020
Although the author does appear to be somewhat against factory farming and the killing of animals for protein in the American diet, I think this is a rational position considering the environmental impacts. With that said, the piece does a good job providing context as to the growing plat-based meat market and its still incredibly small percentage of the overall meat market. The piece offers quotes from multiple activist groups, which is good, but for the sake of balance, I would have liked to have read quotes from the meat producers themselves and how they are thinking about the growth of plant-based substitutes.
December 30, 2020
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January 12, 2021
It's clear the article is celebrating the fact the plant-based meat is being adopted for so many people and saving animals' lives. I think it's great news, but for the sake of good journalism, I would like to read the other sides of the same story, and how this change can impact the traditional meat producers and what they're thinking/adapting, for example, or how it affects individuals in nutrition/health terms, and if there's any loss or gain of getting rid of meat in a diet.
January 12, 2021
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