Julian Assange: One Year In Belmarsh
April 14, 2020126 min read25207 words
Published: April 14, 2020  |  126 min read25207 words
Binoy KampmarkIt should not be a matter of distinction, but Julian Assange is a figure who is becoming the apotheosis of political imprisonment. This seems laughable to those convinced he is an agent without scruple, a compromiser of the Fourth Estate, a figure best packed off to...
Julian Assange: One Year In Belmarsh Read more

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3 reviews


Pure Opinion
April 15, 2020
Well, let's start off by saying this is an opinion piece. And, not a particularly good one at that. High School level writing, schoolmarmish caterwauling, and a juvenile, whiny tone make this almost unreadable. I practically had to flog myself to do so. If you're looking for an article length version of secret note-passing in elementary school then this is definitely for you. If, on the other hand, you're looking for insightful something or other you won't find it here. Not a worthwhile read, don't waste your time.
April 15, 2020
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Great Context
July 22, 2020
Another sad reminder of the complete miscarriage of justice surrounding a publisher rotting away in prison for the crime of publishing leaked US war crimes.
July 22, 2020
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Stacking the Deck
April 18, 2020
This article stacks the deck by only defending Assange and providing quotes from his friends and supporters while highlighting some of the worst outsider attacks on him. Although I agree with the author that Assange is being mistreated and is "becoming the apotheosis of political imprisonment", this article will do nothing to convince readers who haven't already sided with Assange.
April 18, 2020
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Pure Opinion
April 15, 2020
Op Ed is Op Ed. This has some minor validity in terms of the concerns over the pandemic, aside from that general theme, the rest is opinion sprinkled with quotes from various places
April 15, 2020
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