Fauci admits administration has restricted his media appearances, says he's not surprised Trump got COVID
October 18, 202011 min read2278 words
Published: October 18, 2020  |  11 min read2278 words
This weekend, Americans face another surge in the COVID-19 pandemic. Infections have passed the 8 million mark and are rising rapidly. There are more than 218,000 dead. During the course of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the physician most Americans have relied upon for...
Fauci admits administration has restricted his media appearances, says he's not surprised Trump got COVID Read more

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October 19, 2020
Great interview with Dr. Fauci. He admits his mistakes while charting a path forward.
October 19, 2020
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October 19, 2020
I appreciate the deeper look into Fauci's role and questions about the pandemic, but there was one moment of the video that I found troubling. Before even asking Fauci the question, the reporter gave the excuse that Fauci lied to the public about the effectiveness of masks to safeguard N95 masks for frontline healthcare workers. Then when the question was asked of Fauci, he did not admit to lying or for this reason but instead claimed that the established thought was that masks wouldn't help and that only later when there were more experiments, he realized they were very effective. I've heard Fauci give many different explanations as to why at the beginning of the pandemic he misled the American people, whether accidentally or intentionally, and this interview defends him with an excuse that he himself did not reiterate when asked.
October 19, 2020
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