Tucker Carlson: Democrats treat first day of Amy Coney Barrett hearings like a campaign rally
October 12, 20208 min read1521 words
Published: October 12, 2020  |  8 min read1521 words
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host argues Democrat plan to pack Supreme Court would undermine the legitimacy of our systemYou can now listen to Fox News articles!Editor's Note: This article is adapted from Tucker Carlson's opening commentary from the Oct. 12, 2020 edition of "."The fi...
Tucker Carlson: Democrats treat first day of Amy Coney Barrett hearings like a campaign rally Read more

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Political Agenda
October 13, 2020
David Foster Wallace once said, "Gentlemen—by which I mean, of course, latter adolescents who aspire to manhood—gentlemen, here is a truth: Enduring tedium over real time in a confined space is what real courage is. Such endurance is, as it happens, the distillate of what is, today, in this world neither I nor you have made, heroism. Heroism." Indeed. The enduring of tedious and inane palaver such as this is heroism. And, necessarily requires the patience of a Saint. This is a wonderful example of somebody saying something which they believe is something that has never been said before. Oh dear... But of course many, many people have read exactly this type of hypocrisy laden boilerplate before. On both sides of the equation and argument. And insofar as that goes we can be guided by William Hazlitt (the real one) who said, "The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy." In the world of journalism, and in this case opinion journalism, where the discourse consists primarily of puerile pablum, an accomplished high school scribbler would be embarrassed to spill ink in this manner. And so it goes. Unless you actually enjoy having your intelligence insulted, avoid this as you would avoid an oncoming freight train.
October 13, 2020
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Emotional Appeal
October 13, 2020
I can respect that this article is clearly labeled as an opinion piece and that Tucker Carlson is sharing his view on the recent Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court nominee hearings. This article lost my trust when with the following paragraph: "But most bewildering of all, Democrats themselves have spent most of the past two years publicly conceding that ObamaCare is a disaster. Six of the 10 Democrats currently sitting on the Senate Judiciary Committee co-sponsored Medicare-for-All legislation. That legislation would have completely abolished ObamaCare, along with all private health insurance." This is outright misinformation and an all-too-common talking point on right wing media. The Democrats claim they want to expand ObamaCare and that private halth insurance will still be an option under their legislation. This framing is intentionally misleading and an appeal to emotion- fear.
October 13, 2020
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