CDC Strips Page on Hydroxychloroquine of 'Unusual' Guidance for Doctors
April 8, 20205 min read955 words
Published: April 8, 2020  |  5 min read955 words
CDC Strips Page on Hydroxychloroquine of 'Unusual' Guidance for Doctors Read more

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Surface Level
April 9, 2020
This article covers this issue, though I wish more depth was covered. This is an ongoing situation, so I suppose nothing is conclusive at this point, but a link to the existing studies would have been appreciated.
April 9, 2020
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Well Sourced
April 10, 2020
This report is a series of expert opinions about VERY sketchy indications. It is unsurprising there's no unanimity of views; in fact, I would be more skeptical of it if there were. The story seems bit ahead of itself in saying “To say that’s jumping the gun is an understatement…” about Trump's praise of the drug; such an assessment should be left to the several experts who were surveyed. And yet, it's undeniable that Trump's advice shocked me, someone who has used Chloroquine and knows low doses of it are safe, for being flamboyantly false. Most readers are not familiar with bleeding-edge scientific & medical reports, and I think this piece does a good job of filling in our lack of scientific understanding with an appeal to “these are the guys who know.” Until there are massive statistical studies, I guess that's the best the story can do.
April 10, 2020
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Great Context
April 9, 2020
There's some good context here, and perhaps it's just the nature of a developing situation and rush for treatment, but I'm more confused after having read this article than I was before reading. I understand that the author wants to leave the door open for future studies and can't say anything conclusive one way or another, but this article left me scatter-brained.
April 9, 2020
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