Hubble telescope discovers Galaxy-ripping quasar tsunamis in space
March 31, 20203 min read525 words
Published: March 31, 2020  |  3 min read525 words
![CDATA[YII-BLOCK-HEAD]]>This article was published on March 31, 2020Quasar tsunamis discovered by astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope erupt in the most energetic outflows of material ever seen. This outpouring of energy wrecks havoc with galaxies in which these enigm...
Hubble telescope discovers Galaxy-ripping quasar tsunamis in space Read more

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Great Context
April 1, 2020
A tidy little look at a fascinating phenomena. The Author does a nice job here of focusing on the topic without any extraneous puffery. Science reporting such as this is quite enjoyable to read. Firstly, because the Author writes well (except for one spelling error), and secondly, seems to enjoy writing about science. In the course of checking the links in the story, I happened upon some of his other work which is similarly well-done and informative. The video and imagery in the piece are most helpful and add further depth to the work. The general commentary included is relevant and adds context. A worthwhile read, especially for those inclined toward matters of science. Four stars!
April 1, 2020
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Great Context
April 1, 2020
This is a concise, and informative, read about the relevance of the discovered phenomenon. It also discusses the frequency of this occurrence being significantly higher than originally thought, and the manner in which this explains some anomalies in our understanding of large galaxies.
April 1, 2020
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