March 30, 202010 min read, 1903 words
Published: March 30, 2020 | 10 min read, 1903 words
There is an ever-expanding group of people who have been infected by the but are no longer symptomatic, if they ever were—the convalescents. Governor Andrew Cuomo, of New York, has advocated for widespread blood tests as a way for restarting the economy in a way that is consisten...
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April 1, 2020
This is actually good info about convalescents and antigenic therapy. It digs into the thought process and details, but also covers the obvious limitations to the possibility.
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
A wonderful investigative look at convalescents (people who survived COVID-19 and built up immunity). It discusses how convalescents might return to the workforce sooner than the rest of the population, how there's no guarantee they won't contract COVID-19 again, and how their blood plasma might be used to save lives. Fantastic read and I'm much more knowledgeable after having read it.
April 1, 2020